Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nutritional assessment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nutritional assessment report - Essay Example Two types of methods have been used to measure food intake: precise weighed food record and 24-hour recall methods. 25 persons have been selected as sample size for the analysis BMR and total energy expenditure have also been found out. For understanding the nature and interrelationship between the variables, statistical tools like descriptive statistics, correlation and regression methods have been used. . The regression results show that the interrelationship between energy intake and total energy expenditure is statistically significant and the weighed energy intake seems to have strong relationship with TEE while that of recall energy intake seems to be insignificant. The energy expenditure indicators of BMR and total energy expenditure has also got significant statistical relationship and the total energy expenditure seems to be highly dependent on the BMR. Comparisons with FAO estimates, it is seen that our sample population does not have required energy expenditure as suggeste d by FAO. The BMR of our sample population also seems to be lower than that of FAO estimates. Introduction Nutritional status or energy of any person is measured in terms calories and calorie is hence known as the currency of nutrition and energy (Prentice, 1997). Energy keeps any mammal warm and drives all the activities of life. Energy is derived from the process of ‘chemical combustion’ of food intake which requires oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water. Sufficient supply of food intake is needed for this process (Titchenal, 1988). The energy component of the food can be divided into chemical energy and metabolizable energy. Chemical energy of the food is the total energy which is liberated if it is combusted in oxygen. That is, its heat of combustion is normally the chemical energy and it can simply measured in a bomb calorimeter. The chemical energy is otherwise known as the gross energy (Durnin and Passmore, 1967; Cox 2005). The metabolic part of the total energy of the food is known as the megabolizable energy. Due to several reasons, a portion of the total energy of food intake would not be available for the body metabolism. The portion of the total energy which is digested and absorbed by the body is megabolizable energy or digestible energy. In the dietary and energy expenditure discussions, this metabolizable or digestible energy becomes relevant (Prentice, 1997; Gibney etal 2002; Lee and Nieman ,2003; Gibson ,2005). Objective and Methodology The present paper intends to make a strong understanding and conceptual discussion on the concepts energy, energy balance, energy requirements and energy expenditure. The interrelationship between food intake and food energy expenditure has also been analyzed in the paper. Hence, the main objectives of the paper are: 1) to integrate the understanding on the concepts like measures of intake, energy balance, requirements and expenditure 2) to give practical experience in methods of measurement s of food intake and expenditure 3) to examine the interrelationship between these variables. Methodology For achieving the above said objectives, a concrete and brief discussion has been done on the concepts like measures of food intake, energy balance and requirements and energy expenditure. Practical experiments have been done on the measurements of food intake and energy expenditure. Two types of methods have been used to measure food intake: precise weighed food record and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Business Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Business Proposal - Essay Example The aim is to provide coffee services. Coffitoff will start its online business from England mainly London and then at later stage expand its market to other parts of the UK. London is the business hub of the UK and it is there where the product will be tested. The business will be started as a sole proprietor and if need arises it will go public to attain funds. The coffee beans are exported from other countries. This increases the cost of the coffee in the UK as compared to the American or Asian countries (Casenotes, 2004). Coffee is not easily affordable in the UK. The global recession that took place in 2008 has made consumers very careful of how they spend their money. Coffee is regarded by many as a product of surplus need rather than an immediate one. People in the UK can go without drinking it (Ireland, 2009). Consumers look to save every penny in these harsh economic times. As newer coffee machines are coming into the market it is becoming easier for people to purchase and keep these machines in their home. It is cheaper to make coffee at home rather than ordering online (Hashemi, 2002). The target market for Coffitoff comprises of business professionals who find it hard to stop by a coffee shop for a cup of coffee. Recent research shows that 60% of all business executives would like to have a cup of coffee at least once a day in London (Richardson, 2014). Out of the 60% only about 18% of the professionals make it to the coffee shops. This means that 42% of the people are deprived of this need as they do not have time for coffee. Coffitoff will look to cater this segment of people (Richardson, 2014). 1. Rivalry: Online business is still very new and is growing. At the moment, there are over a dozen online coffee shops in the UK. Brand identification is very important to maintain the rivalry and market position between coffee shops (Pride, 2008). 2. Threat of substitutes: The threat of