Friday, October 11, 2019

Chinese Communist Party Essay

Throughout the countries early history, a series of dynasties ruled larger and larger territories to what has now become known as the People’s Republic of China. All through the 19th century China faced European powers that were militarily stronger than they were. The humiliation brought on by the imperialist powers during the previous century sparked an early revolution in the 20th century against the dynastic regime that had ruled for so long. By 1911 the revolutionist won the battle and the first elected president (Yuan Shikai) of the Republic of China was named thereby putting an end to the monarchies that had ruled for so long. Although officially titled the Republic of China, it wasn’t truly a republic until 1949. In 1948 the prevailing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) defeated the then ruling Nationalist Party. The current government was established in October 1949 after CCP chairman Mao Zedong declared the formation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This effectively brought an end to Western imperialist involvement in China because the communist government set up a one-party state that was to be ruled by the CCP. Under Zedong’s leadership, China began down the long road of economic recovery. In 1953, with the assistance of the Soviet model of central planning, the Communist set forth a series of Five-Year Plans to dramatically reorganize essentially all aspects of Chinese life. This involved a focus on the development of basic heavy industry, a progressive socialization of Chinese agriculture and the suppression of non-communist ideals within the country’s religion, press and schools. Although the plan reduced inflation, restored communications and reestablished domestic order, the Chinese began to back off from their original dedication to heavy industry, which was a mainstay of the Soviet model. By the end of the 1950’s China began to focus on the agricultural sector again and eventually broke their ties with the Soviets in 1960. In 1966 Zedong launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which was a back-to-the-basics movement. The intentions with the Cultural Revolution were to stamp out the heavy industrialization and the â€Å"bourgeois† ideas and customs presented with the Soviet’s central planning model. The movement lasted for a decade and severely set back China’s economy. China’s foreign relations were strained early on in the Cultural Revolution; although, in 1970 things began to take a turn for the better. By 1971 the United Nation’s China seat that had been held by the nationalist government of Taiwan, was given to the People’s Republic of China. In 1976 after Zedong’s death, a group of old-guard radicals known as the Gang of Four were arrested and charged with the crimes of the Cultural Revolution thereby signifying the formal conclusion of the crusade and a new beginning for China’s economy. By 1978 moderate reformer Deng Xiaoping obtained control of the Chinese government after being removed from the vice premier public office by the Gang of Four in 1976. This marked a significant turnaround for China because Xiaoping believed in the idea of alleviating poverty via economic development. He led the economic reform with a simple slogan that promoted the â€Å"Four Modernizations† of agriculture, industry, technology and national defense. Xiaoping backed up his ideals by initiating a reform of the old communal agricultural system. The reform promoted land privatization and gave an incentive for people to work efficiently and sell their surplus. In addition he rejuvenated the military academies that had been neglected during the Cultural Revolution and he sanctioned an Open Door policy with foreign nations. The policy reversed the long lasting self-sufficiency and isolationist viewpoints held in previous decades, thus fostering the foreign relationships necessary to adopt new technology, which has assisted with the modernization of China’s industry. The reforms set in motion by Deng Xiaoping significantly improved the standard of living for many of the Chinese people. His modernization movement was so successful that by the early 1990’s, figures that indicated the people’s average incomes had tripled since he took control of the country. The modernization didn’t come easily though. For example, after people began have a better understanding of the individual freedoms and rights enjoyed by Western culture, student protest became commonplace throughout the 1980’s as the Chinese people struggled for further reforms to add more choice in their daily lives. The unrest came to a head in 1989 when students and others joined together for a demonstration in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Eventually armored troops stormed the city center killing numerous defenseless civilians to put an end to the demonstration. Although the Tiananmen Square incident hurt the country’s foreign relations to some degree with ti me, ties were mended. Throughout the 1990’s China’s international reputation greatly improved. In fact, the United Kingdom and Portugal, respectively, handed over control of Hong Kong in 1997 and Macao in 1999 to the People’s Republic of China. This was a tremendous accomplishment for the then newly elected president, Jiang Zemin. Zemin continued to pursue the economic liberalization started by Deng Xiaoping. In addition to the transfer of power in Hong Kong and Macao, he also successfully negotiated a trade agreement with the United States that reduced barriers to commerce between the two countries. The world over took this as the next step in China’s Open Door policy. This in turn resulted in bilateral trade agreements with many other nations. By December 2001, China was formally admitted into the World Trade Organization marking what will become the rebirth of the Chinese economy. CULTURE Over 20 percent of the world’s population lives in the PRC. Most of the country’s inhabitants (92 percent) are considered ethnic Han Chinese. Approximately 5,000 years ago people began settling the plains and plateaus of northern and central China. These people eventually absorbed the residents of southern China 2,000 years ago, which spawned a shared culture and the people known today as Han. Minority nationalities make up the remaining 8 percent of the population that include ethnicities such as Mongols and Tibetans. The scarcely settled regions of western and southwestern China are home to most of the minorities. In 1982 China became the first nation with a population that just exceeded 1 billion. By 2004 China’s estimated population has grown to 1,294,629,600. The country is showing signs of decreased population growth rates in conjunction with declining fertility and birth rates. Since the Chinese Communist Party came into rule in 1950, the average number of children born per woman during their lifetime (fertility rate) declined from 6.2 to 1.7 in 2004. Over the same period, the birth rate dropped from an average of 45 births per 1,000 people to an approximated 13. This in turn has had a dramatic affect on the population’s growth rate, which was reduced from 2.25 percent in the early 1950’s to .59 percent in 2004. Even with these reductions, China’s population still increases by the millions each year. Although the nation’s economy grew significantly during this time period, China continually faces the problem of gainfully employing the millions of new wor kers entering the workforce each year. The fertility rate has dropped primarily because of government intervention. For example, couples have been encouraged to marry at an older age than what was previously common. In addition, the state began a campaign in 1979 to prevent couples from having more than one child. To assist with the one-child policy, abortion has remained legal and more public health facilities were created to distribute birth-control devices and information. Beyond these measures, women who become pregnant that already have a child will often be coerced to terminate their pregnancy due to social and administrative forces. Although the one-child policy still remains active, there are times when it’s not strictly enforced. This is often the case for females whom are considered minorities. Due to the high mortality rate among minorities, non-Han people have typically been granted more cultural freedom by the government to have larger families. This stance also serves the government who wishes to appear to be sympathetic towards the desires of the various ethnic groups within China. The one-child policy has led to an uncommonly high ratio of males to females. The preferences for males are due in part to a complicated set of cultural traditions. For example, the birth of a son ensures that the family name will be carried on. Sons are also necessary to be able to fulfill the customary requirements of ancestral worship. Most importantly, men are charged with the obligation of taking care of their natural parents once old age sets in. Women also care for their husband’s parents which can make it difficult financially for the parents of daughters in old age because the Chinese government provides little to no retirement funds in rural areas where a majority of the population is located. To adhere to the one-child policy the Chinese often take what would elsewhere be considered extreme measures to ensure the birth of a son. Males are so preferred that it’s common to see baby girls abandoned and left for adoption in public places. Some employ new technologies to determine the sex of unborn fetuses so that a pregnancy can be terminated if a daughter is expected. It’s also not uncommon to hear of baby girls being killed soon after being born so that another attempt at a son is possible.

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