Saturday, December 28, 2019

Identifying Risks Developing Risk Profile Essay - 861 Words

A) Identifying Risks-Developing Risk profile: Compiling a comprehensive list of internal operational challenges and risks is vital to developing a risk profile. Risk profile must be updated throughout the project, including the unanticipated risks caused by new investments. Proactive, consultative engagement is required for risk profile to be effective. Identify and prioritize all related risks and perform root cause analysis to understand the effect of those risks, if left unattended, may cause higher levels of risks. In Agile environments, the project team shares the responsibility for identifying risks that might impact a sprint, project or the course of development. The following agile processes aid in identifying risks in the ERP implementation project: †¢ Daily Scrum- Strong forum for identifying risks when performing daily tasks †¢ Requirements workshop- The team and the project manager discusses new ideas, this allows to adjust or correct the requirements so that it minimizes risk. †¢ Sprint Planning- Planning poker used to estimate the relative size of user story, gives opportunity to reduce the risk associated or break down the stories. †¢ Retrospective meeting- Identify the problems that were hurdles/risks for the implementation †¢ Sprint Review- Gives opportunity to identify, access and respond to risk. B) Classify Quantify risks: Risk assessment requires adopting a suitable framework that enables the prioritization of risks and the ability to classify risks as realShow MoreRelatedThe Emergence Of Risk Based Approaches1686 Words   |  7 PagesCh. 3.1 Emergence of Risk-Based Approaches Risk assessment is increasingly conducted by many groups within an organization to fulfil a variety of business and regulatory requirements. Various groups within the same organization often rely on guidance from different professional organizations to provide a framework for conducting the risk assessment. As financial organizations offer disparate approaches to risk assessment, they contribute to risk information. In this context, information systemsRead MoreThe Validity Of Criminal Profiling Essay1531 Words   |  7 Pages In law, law enforcement relies on a variety of approaches to solving crimes. One method of doing so, is criminal profiling. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Implementing Differentiated Instruction For Reading Essay

Chapter One The Problem and Its Investigation Reading is an important skill that every child needs to succeed in school. Many students may struggle with learning how to read. Implementing differentiated instruction for reading allows students to learn how to read based on their learning style. Statement of the Problem The purpose of this project is to provide a guide for teachers on implementing differentiated instruction for reading in the second grade classroom. This guide will introduce the process of implementing differentiated instruction for reading. This guide will provide the teachers with strategies they may use when implementing differentiated instruction for reading. The following questions will be investigated: 1. What are the problems students have with learning how to read? 2. What is differentiated instruction and how may it help? 3. What strategies are used in implementing differentiated instruction? Rationale Implementing differentiated instruction for reading in the classroom is important because students have different ways of learning. When implementing differentiated instruction in the classroom, it is a way of meeting the individual needs of the students. When the teacher use few methods of teaching how to read, then not all types of learners will gain that knowledge. The steps of implementing differentiated instruction for reading in your classroom may be challenging for many teachers. Assumptions and Limitations The followingShow MoreRelatedDifferentiated instruction is matching instruction to meet the different needs of the diverse1200 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiated instruction is matching instruction to meet the different needs of the diverse learners in their learning environment. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Premier Fitness Ethics Assignment free essay sample

Ethics Assignment Premier Fitness The actions in question regarding Premier Fitness Clubs were proven to be misleading and in violation of the competition act as well as the basic consumerism trend that has aimed to empower consumers and increase their rights. In their quest to meet the firm’s profit oriented objectives, objectives of being economically usefull, and to earn enough profit to survive, Premier Fitness seemingly decided that they could forgo the objective of being socially useful. Misleading/false advertising and marketing was employed that drastically reduced or eliminated social usefulness by underhandedly convincing customers to enter contracts with the fitness club that resulted in materially higher fees, undisclosed costs, and high total net costs than the advertising would lead their customers to believe. Information was not adequately disclosed to portray the true costs associated with gym membership and cancellation of membership was found to be excessively difficult. Premier Fitness also was found to be withdrawing money from cancelled customer accounts which is also unethical behavior on their part. We will write a custom essay sample on Premier Fitness Ethics Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is ironic that focusing on profit oriented objectives and the resulting unethical activity lead to the payment of a $200,000 fine by Premier Fitness for their unethical actions. Social usefulness was sacrificed by producing misleading advertisements that would lead customers to come to incorrect conclusions regarding total fees. This action violates the competition act and gave Premier Fitness and unethical advantage over their direct competition in the competitive business of fitness establishments. The competition act is structured to limit monopolistic behavior that could be damaging to smaller competitors and protect consumers, and by violating it, Premier Fitness could have negatively affected the competition in an unethical fashion as well as harmed consumers who ended up suffering greater financial losses than they had expected based on the advertising that they would have thought they fully understood. Premier Fitness’ false/misleading advertising and marketing would have left customers to believe that Premier Fitness was giving lower prices than the competition, which was not necessarily the case. Customers would therefore wrongly choose Premier Fitness’ services over those of the competition based on the superior price-point that Superior Fitness was seemingly offering. The result is that Premier Fitness’ acts harmed both the customers themselves as well as the competition that was advertising in a more ethical manor and losing business to Premier because of it. Advertising produced by Premier Fitness was misleading in that it violated many of the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of advertising. For example, using of fine print that was excessively small and possibly not legible. The impression created by the ad was much different than what the fine print conveyed. Also, not all material information was disclosed in all advertising, as some information was strategically left out of some advertisements. Premier’s misleading advertising and fine-print resulted in the charging of higher prices when multiple prices were appearing on their advertised product. With the misleading nature of the advertisements, customers were seemingly charged above the advertised price. The result of legal actions taken against Premier Fitness has undoubtedly affected their reputation considerably. Wide-spread negative publicity toward the company has unquestionably had a negative impact on the company’s operations. Websites designed to promote consumerism are a breeding grounds for the spreading of negative publicity towards unethical business operation. Although Premier continues to operate and has been in business for many years, it is conceivable that their reputation has been tarnished in a way that offsets any financial gains obtained through their unethical actions. Lost business due to poor reputation could easily have negatively impacted their financial objectives far more than gains achieved through misleading and false advertising. In order to fully recover from the negative effects on reputation that this incident has caused, Premier Fitness may benefit from re-aligning its objectives towards more of a customer oriented focus. Its marketing objectives must also be evaluation in order to be in line with such changes in the focus of the company objectives since marketing objectives often go hand-in-hand with company objectives. It is clear by the results observed in this case that Premier Fitness should have paid closer attention to the legal environment. Closer attention would have yielded the knowledge and understanding of the laws that inevitably were broken and could have guided Premier in a more ethical direction that would have bypassed the requirement for legal action and all the following negative publicity and financial ramifications that have haunted Premier Fitness thereafter.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens Analysis Essay Example For Students

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens Analysis Essay The importance of Mrs. Joe in Great Expectations has two major parts: thesignificance of the character, and the symbolism of the character. Thesignificance of Mrs. Joe is to complete the figure of Joe. The symbolism of Mrs. Joe is actually the physical manifestation of Joes fears in combination withhis desire for a commanding father figure. Mrs. Joes reign of terror isobviously necessary for Joes existence. In the beginning of Great Expectations,Joe requires identification as a major character. Without the weakness that Mrs. Joe instills in Joe through her reign of terror, Joe would never develop into amajor character. Joe is identified as a compassionate, sensitive person. Thebest way to display this feature is to have the character appear vulnerable. Mrs. Joe serves as the tyrant for which Joe is made helpless. Joe, unless he isa scared character, does not recognize the friend he has in Pip. Without Joe asa major role in Pips life, Pip also seems very incomplete. Mrs. Joe also servesas the comical interlude of an otherwise somber story. When she hadexhausted a torrent of such inquiries, she threw a candlestick at Joe, burstinto a loud sobbing, got out the dustpan which was always a very bad sign put on her coarse apron, and began cleaning up to a terrible extent. Notsatisfied with a dry cleaning, she took to a pail and scrubbing-brush, andcleaned us out of house and home Truly, a frightening creature coulddestroy a household by cleaning when she gets angry. Mrs. Joe seems to servevery well as a mother to Pip. Besides the age difference and the motherly dutiesof housekeeping for Pip and Joe, the attitude of a scornful mother is alsoapparent. This, of course, draws Joe even closer to Pip, by relation. Mrs. Joeserves as link to mak e it possible that Joe appears to be the father of Pip. Inaddition, Joe, although terrified of Mrs. Joe, is a very honorable man and wouldnever consider divorcing his wife. Through this condition, however, Joe appearsto be even a more honorable man to choose to preserve the sacred marriage ratherthan seek his comfort. It is ironic that Mrs. Joe be referred to as Mrs. Joeconstantly when there doesnt seem too much a part of Joe in her. The mainpurpose it serves is probably to characterize Mrs. Joe as a more masculine, and,therefore, typically more commanding, character. In the tradition of marriage,the wife usually gives up her last name to show that she is propertyof the man, therefore it is especially ironic that she be called Mrs. Joe whenit is clear that Joe, rather, belongs more to her than vice-versa. It is alsoironic that Joe be the one that seems to be stuck in tough situation in hismarriage. Often, in this time, women suffered from the abuse of their husbandsand expected to k eep the marriage together regardless. However, Joe is clearlythe one being abused in this story and he also is the only one decent enough tocare enough about the marriage to try and keep it together by enduring the abuseof Mrs. Joe. Fifth, through love, Joe shows the audience that he is not just avery timid man but a whole-hearted man. It takes a loving man to stay in lovewith such a woman as Mrs. Joe. No kissing ever took place between Joe and Mrs. Joe, and it becomes clear to the reader that the relationship between Joe andMrs. Joe is a very one-way relationship. It would seem that Joecares enough for Mrs. Joe, though Mrs. Joe never once seems to show a bit ofcompassion for him. Illustration of this can be seen in Mrs. Joes numerousderogatory references to being married to a lowly blacksmith.Surely, after Mrs. Joe dies, Joe reflects upon how he was treated and what hewill do differently in the future. With Mrs. Joe gone, a piece of Joes life isagain freed up and can slowly be reclaimed, making him into a stronger person. .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 , .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .postImageUrl , .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 , .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:hover , .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:visited , .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:active { border:0!important; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:active , .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915 .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue8bd84057de8640654b67de163b0a915:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Ideal City EssayEventually marrying Biddy makes it apparent that Joe is changed, as Biddy seemsmore the feminine, quiet, traditional girl, compared to Mrs. Joe. Mrs. Joerepresents the semi-aristocracy that oppresses Joe and Pip. She continuallythreatens them with bodily harm, pushing Joe and Pip together under a commonoppression. This is also seen in the way she ridicules Pip through Estella andJoe through Pip. Although Mrs. Joe isnt exactly wealthy, she has thearistocratic connections that define her as part of the elite class. A pair ofnurturing parents supposedly fills the home life, however, in this book, thehome serves as sort of a microcosm. The social structure a nd events that takeplace within the house echo all the rest of the events in the book. Thisincludes the theft of the file and food along with Pips first feelings of guilt. Mrs. Joes oppression of her husband and little brother is also very important. Finally, Joe first sought this relationship with such an overbearing characterbecause he has always needed someone to make his decisions. Before, he didntsuffer under abuse, I assume, although he has always been clumsy physically aswell as mentally. Examples of this are his general timidity to confrontation andhis occasional stumbling over items, especially when trying to act in thepresence of Pip when he is a gentleman. Joes speech and use of words illustratehis plainness and accented Pips aristocracy. Decisions never came easily forJoe and hed much rather have someone else make them for him. Being uneducated,it seems as Joe never felt sure that he could make an appropriate decision. Whenasking for Mrs. Joes hand in marriage, it can be assumed that Mrs. Joe dideverything to make the marriage a reality. So, Mrs. Joe essentially created Joeto be the character that he allowed himself to be. With the slow death of Mrs. Joe, Joe reclaimed his life from his earlier insecurity. Mrs. Joes importancein tying Joe to Pip made the relationship between the two significantly morebelievable, and without her, the great expectation of this book would never havebeen met.