Friday, December 20, 2019

Implementing Differentiated Instruction For Reading Essay

Chapter One The Problem and Its Investigation Reading is an important skill that every child needs to succeed in school. Many students may struggle with learning how to read. Implementing differentiated instruction for reading allows students to learn how to read based on their learning style. Statement of the Problem The purpose of this project is to provide a guide for teachers on implementing differentiated instruction for reading in the second grade classroom. This guide will introduce the process of implementing differentiated instruction for reading. This guide will provide the teachers with strategies they may use when implementing differentiated instruction for reading. The following questions will be investigated: 1. What are the problems students have with learning how to read? 2. What is differentiated instruction and how may it help? 3. What strategies are used in implementing differentiated instruction? Rationale Implementing differentiated instruction for reading in the classroom is important because students have different ways of learning. When implementing differentiated instruction in the classroom, it is a way of meeting the individual needs of the students. When the teacher use few methods of teaching how to read, then not all types of learners will gain that knowledge. The steps of implementing differentiated instruction for reading in your classroom may be challenging for many teachers. Assumptions and Limitations The followingShow MoreRelatedDifferentiated instruction is matching instruction to meet the different needs of the diverse1200 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiated instruction is matching instruction to meet the different needs of the diverse learners in their learning environment. 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